Friday, May 15, 2020

Why Not Legalize Marijuana Essay - 1173 Words

Marijuana should be legalized for both recreational and medicinal use because the US economy can reap significant benefits from legalization as well as create an influx of jobs and also to reduce street and gang disputes relating to marijuana. Also, marijuana should be legalized because it has been dealt an unfair hand by society and is justifiably safer than most know it to be. First, marijuana should be legalized in the US for both recreational and medicinal purposes because there is a very substantial profit that can be made from it. By placing a tax on Marijuana, similar to what the Government has done with various alcohol and tobacco products, The US Government can use America’s largest cash crop to its advantage. Perhaps even plans†¦show more content†¦Second, marijuana plays a very significant role in the criminal justice system. The fact that marijuana is illegal causes problems for many people today. A significant amount of the nation’s prisoners have been charged with drug related crimes. Many people arrested for smoking or possession for usually very small amounts of marijuana can be locked away for years at a time. In this way, the justice system is flawed; the so called â€Å"war on drugs† has done nothing but spend tax dollars on filling prisons with people that committed minor crimes such as marijuana possession. They are trapped in this revolving door and can be potentially turned into lifelong criminals. Further, legalization of marijuana could potentially do good on the street. Legalization would make marijuana regulated and publically available. This action could put drug dealers across the country out of business. In addition, an argument could be made that a reduction in street justice and gang violence. If marijuana is legal, why would anyone have to fight over it? As a result, less people will be caught in the cross fire of street violence, drug dealers will have no business, and police officers will be free d up to focus on more serious crimes. In addition, there will be nobody charged with possession thus the Justice system will be repaired andShow MoreRelatedWhy is it Beneficial to Legalize Marijuana1346 Words   |  6 PagesLegalize Marijuana Marijuana is a drug that is spreading all around the world and is now proven to be the most beneficial drug out there. More than 25 million Americans annually use it each year. If the country legalized it then everyone would have more jobs available to go around such as harvesters, dispensary clerks, distributors, or croppers. Thus, the unemployment rate is lowered and America could make more money if they taxed it (Jack). Not only could they tax it but alsoRead MoreWhy Should The Federal Government Legalize Marijuana?1969 Words   |  8 Pages Why should the federal government legalize marijuana? 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